Orange Show Society forecasting $29,000 loss without council funds and extra ticket sales
March 6, 2023

By Peter Holmes
Staring down a $29,000 loss for its 2023 annual agricultural show, the Orange Show Society is banking on two things to take it from the red into the black: a $10,000 grant from Orange City Council, and an increase in patrons through the gate.
The 151st Orange Show is on May 13 from 9am to 10pm at Orange Showground.
At Tuesday night’s Orange City Council meeting councillors will discuss whether to provide the Orange Show Society with a $10,000 grant for each of the next three years. The hope is that the show will ultimately “return to a two-day event”, council staff said in their report to councillors.
According to council papers the show was given $10,000 by council in 2020/21 and $5,000 in 2021/22.
The society has ramped up the offering to the public in recent years, and this year’s show will include a rodeo with bulls, broncos and barrel racing; freestyle motocross shows; a circus; magic show; equine trick riders; reptile show; woodchopping; lawnmower races; fireworks; and live music.

In its grant application to council, the Orange Show Society wrote: “The 2023 show anticipates increased attendance, and is increasing expenditure on entertainment in the hope [of capitalising] on gate entry, and turn a $29,000 forecast loss into a profit, which will help to continue the growth of the Orange Show.
“The Orange City Council event sponsorship application is being made in an attempt to reduce the financial risk of the event.”
Attendance is expected to exceed 10,000 this year.

The society’s application said it was expected that about 2,500 people would attend from outside the 2800 postcode, including visitors from Sydney, Canberra and Brisbane.
The society’s treasurer Matt Lamrock told The Orange News Examiner that the committee was focused on creating a varied and family-friendly show with more entertainment options.
He said the society was able to absorb any potential losses, but was hopeful increased ticket sales and assistance from council would ensure the event didn’t lose money.

The council staff report to councillors stated that the show had “increased expenditure on entertainment by at least 50 percent each year over the past two years, and hopes to continue this trend into the future, enabling a return to a two-day event …”.
The 2023 Orange Show will have a shuttle bus service running from Orange Visitor Information Centre to the Phillip Street entry to the showground from 4pm to 10pm. Free with all pre-purchased tickets.
Tickets can be booked here.