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- The Nationals are determined to make Andrew Gee pay a heavy price over the Voice
Gee quit the party in December 2022 over the Indigenous Voice to Parliament, which the Liberal and National Gee said during a panel discussion the decision by Dutton and Littleproud to oppose the Voice was purely “No, that's up to Andrew Gee," Littleproud said. Gee told the Garma festival panel he was “quietly confident that the Voice is going to get over the line In an interview with The Guardian Gee said the Coalition was using the Voice as a fundraising tool.
- Nationals demand by-election if Voice loses, saying "opportunistic" Andrew Gee should resign
should step down if the Voice referendum is not successful on Saturday (October 14, 2023). “Mr Gee failed to listen to the people of Calare when it comes to the Voice to Parliament. If on Saturday the people of Calare vote no to Anthony Albanese’s Voice then Andrew Gee should resign Gee said he had made his "position supporting the Voice public before the last election and I stand by "The response on the ground was clear, the people of Calare do not want this Andrew Gee backed Voice
- Gee stares down Nats to support Voice to Parliament, as Pearson says Littleproud is "a boy"
November 29, 2022 By Peter Holmes While Andrew Gee was helping out in Eugowra on Monday, his National break-in at Orange Kmart sees staff unable to start Friday shift Flanked by his colleagues, but minus Gee Calare federal MP Andrew Gee responded on Tuesday. Gee added that the federal government needed to "provide more detail on what is proposed - a number within the Voice".
- Two in three Central West voters have rejected an Indigenous Voice to Parliament
October 14, 2023 By Peter Holmes The referendum on an Indigenous Voice to Parliament has failed to garner Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the Australian Constitution, and allowing them to have a Voice "We have not received recognition and been given a voice in the Australian Constitution, but we will
- BREAKING: Andrew Gee quits Nationals
December 23, 2022 By Peter Holmes Federal MP Andrew Gee has quit the National Party and will sit as an National Party, effective immediately and will sit in the Australian Parliament as an independent," Gee Gee said he felt he could "best represent the constituents of Calare and our region by speaking out on The issue of the Indigenous Voice to Parliament was the final straw for Gee. Gee was in Eugowra helping with flood relief when the Nationals met and chose not to support the Voice
- Warren Mundine and Jacinta Nampijinpa Price respond to comments about them at Orange Voice forum
Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price - a leading campaigner against constitutional change in the upcoming Voice At a Voice forum at the Canobolas Hotel on Wednesday night, Orange deputy mayor Gerald Power described Lords Place business is on the move “In 2008,” Power added, “he was our voice under Kevin Rudd. Then he jumped ship and went with prime minister Abbott, then he was our voice again. David Pocock, Indigenous youth leader Alisha Agland, community advocate Kate Hook and Calare MP Andrew Gee
- Andrew Gee MP backs Citizens' Assembly on Housing Affordability
June 14, 2023 By Peter Holmes Calare MP Andrew Gee is supporting a proposal to form a Citizens' Assembly way of putting a spotlight on the serious impacts this is having and also help to find solutions," Gee idea for the Citizens' Assembly on Housing Affordability is being supported by crossbenchers including Gee A statement from Gee's office said: "The Citizens’ Assembly of Housing Affordability would bring together tackle a serious national problem and I believe it will be welcomed by communities around Australia,” Gee
- Have Your Say: Ex-Wallaby captain and senator David Pocock in Orange for Voice forum at the Nob
David Poccock will be in Orange next week for a community forum on the referendum about the Indigenous Voice free event at the Hotel Canobolas on Wednesday (August 23, 2023) has been organised by Orange Region Voice The voice would not have any powers to make laws. will join a six-member panel alongside Jamie Newman (CEO of Orange Aboriginal Medical Service), Andrew Gee Politically, the debate over the Voice to Parliament has largely split along party lines.
- Gee thanks Albanese for $50 million funding, but says it took too long
November 9, 2023 By Peter Holmes Independent federal MP for Calare, Andrew Gee, came to praise Labor. that was brought forward at the last minute to avoid the impending thunder, lightning and downpour, Gee Gee’s kind words for Labor were tempered by accusations that it took way too long to come up with the Gee thanked independent state MP Phil Donato for his work in securing funds, but took aim at his former Gee thanks Albanese for $50 million funding, but says it took too long BREAKING: Greyhounds likely to
- Andrew Gee: Why I flipped on Barnaby Joyce
Barnaby Joyce might not see out a full term as leader of the Nationals played a role in federal MP Andrew Gee Gee, who recently retained the seat of Calare at the May 21 federal election in an easy victory, told “I supported David Littleproud in today’s party room ballot," said Gee. MORE NEWS: The story of Orange George, 'Seinfeld' George, Mount Everest and a puffer jacket Gee said Gee praised Joyce as a "champion of key regional development projects like the inland rail" who has made
- Federal MP Andrew Gee launches savage attack on his former party
Gee - who quits the Nationals over its lack of support for the Voice to Parliament - accused the Nationals $3 million “For our disaster-hit residents, it’s been seven months of silence from the Nationals,” Gee Gee not only took aim at his former federal colleagues but the state Nationals, who are represented in Kinross Wolaroi's big plan for "outdated" facilities revealed as DA lodged Gee said the Nationals' "insincere Gee has spent significant time in Eugowra offering support to devastated locals.
- Gee paints grim picture for Orange chemists over 60-day prescriptions
April 27, 2023 By Peter Holmes Independent Calare MP Andrew Gee says his “phone has been ringing off KFC pitches plan to open second fast food restaurant in Orange Gee argued that the new system would “ Andrew Gee urged Labor to rethink its policy, pointing to shortages of medicines during Covid. Gee predicted that pharmacies would have to consider cutting staff, slashing services to aged care facilities
- Donato and Gee split on free rapid antigen tests
However the federal member for Calare, Andrew Gee, has backed his government's position on restricting MORE NEWS: Orange, we need to talk roundabouts … Gee said that about six million Australians will be For the other 20 million Australians, Gee said millions of RATs were "set to hit our shores in coming MORE NEWS: Oh No I’ve really upset Meat Loaf Gee said more than 95 percent of Orange is vaccinated.
- For Andrew Gee to lose, 15,000 Calare conservatives need to change their vote. Will they?
school's Sale Street entrance handing out flyers for lower house candidates Sarah Elliott (ALP), Andrew Gee One betting agency has sitting member Andrew Gee as clear favourite at $1.08, with independent Kate Hook First, the miserly return for Gee doesn't point to how close - or otherwise - the result might be. All it suggests is that Gee is very, very likely to hold Calare. The extent to which PM Scott Morrison's lack of popularity will drag MP Gee's vote; The Labor Party's
- BREAKING: Andrew Gee's move to force parliament to debate his plan to ban foreign real estate investors
February 29, 2024 By Peter Holmes Around Thursday lunchtime Calare MP Andrew Gee will attempt to force Gee will move the following suspension of standing orders in the House of Representatives this afternoon Gee began his push to ban foreign property investment on February 12, 2024. Speaking in parliament on Wednesday Gee said: "There was a time in this country when the great Australian You can read Gee's bill here.
- MP Gee gives Labor a nudge over Thursday's 25 cents a litre fuel hike
September 27, 2022 By Peter Holmes Calare MP Andrew Gee is one of a chorus of National Party voices pressuring “Getting from A to B shouldn’t break the bank," said Gee in a statement. Gee pointed to the comparatively high prices paid by Central West residents.
- Q: Why was Andrew Gee's veterans' affairs portfolio given to Barnaby Joyce? A: Peace
June 6, 2022 By Peter Holmes Federal MP for Calare Andrew Gee has taken a hit for the team. Liberal Party) and David Littleproud (National Party) revealed their shadow ministry on Sunday afternoon, Gee Gee, meanwhile, was named as being the new shadow minister for regional health, regional education, regional Gee said being in opposition after a heavy loss was "going to be a long hard road". Now he reckons victory is close There was confusion among Coalition MPs including Gee on Sunday night
- Central West to get share of $9.1 million in flood relief; MP Gee says it'll be "spread pretty thin"
Federal MP Andrew Gee said he wasn’t invited to the announcement in Molong. on here with respect to storm and flood assistance provided by the state and federal governments,” Gee
- We spotted Andrew Gee in town and asked his minder for a two-minute interview...
A large Andrew Gee poster had been secured to the back of the vehicle. I turned around and drove back, but Gee had vanished. A man was sitting in a car next to Gee's auto. But of course Gee was not planning to leave it there. I know Gee, and have spoken to him at several media events.
- "Cruel and disgraceful": Andrew Gee savages his own team over funding for Jemena gas disaster
November 9, 2022 By Peter Holmes Federal MP for Calare Andrew Gee has savaged three major parties - including Gee said residents and businesses across the Central West, in places including Bathurst, Lithgow, Oberon POTHOLE NEWS: Tow truck required after two tyres blown in Northern Distributor pothole Gee said that Gee argued there should be no debate about whether disaster funding should be made available. Their staff are going without pay," Gee said.