Two-storey serviced apartments pitched for Orange CBD fringe
June 18, 2023

By Peter Holmes
A two-storey serviced apartment complex has been proposed for McNamara Street on the fringe of the Orange CBD.
A development application submitted to Orange City Council was put on public display on Friday (June 16, 2023) by the applicant One More for the Road Property Trust.
The proposal comprises six one-bedroom and two two-bedroom apartments.
According to the DA the buildings will be brick veneer and “vertically profiled fibre cement cladding”.
There would be ground floor verandahs and a freestanding landscaped area with seating.

If approved, there would be a shared right of way with 18-20 McNamara Street, with on-site parking.
The block is 809 square metres in an “established commercial precinct”.
The DA stated: “The purpose of the application is to provide … short [term] accommodation within 8 semi detached two storey serviced apartments.”
A professional accommodation manager would manage the site.
“The property comprises a small commercial site with a double-brick commercial premises previously used for a glass business and currently a small sewing repairs business,” the DA read.

“The land has a slight slope to the west toward the front boundary. Surrounding development includes a mix of warehouses and offices and adjoining serviced apartments at 18-20 McNamara Street.”
The five-bedroom house at 18-20 McNamara Street is currently offered as a short-term accommodation option.

"The retention of the façade of the existing building satisfies the heritage objectives by conserving the existing fabric and character whilst allowing a functional use of the rear land," stated the DA. "The proposal protects the broader character, setting and views of the Heritage Conservation Area with the proposal set to the rear of the site."
From an environmental perspective, the DA stated: “The subject area has been used for light warehousing (glass supply and fit) purposes since the 1970s.

"There is no surface evidence of scalding, oil stains, poor grass growth or subsidence ... research has not identified any history associated with, say, a mechanics workshop, fuel storage or the like.
“On this basis we do not consider further triggering of contamination assessment is justified."