"The size of a chicken": Huntsman almost ruins holiday
By Amy-louise Vella

I just wanted to say a massive, massive thank you to the two good blokes who pulled over to help me on Saturday.
I drove out of the car wash, with my two kids in the back, ready to start our much-anticipated holiday when a gigantic huntsman, the size of a chicken, galloped down the front of my windscreen and into my bonnet.

I pulled over dramatically, cried, called my husband (who was 40 minutes away so couldn’t be there in the next 2.5 seconds … how rude) and stood on the side of the road with absolutely no clue what to do.
I can deal with most things.
But I have a phobia of huntsmans.
So I did what anyone else facing their fear would do: I made someone else deal with it.
I saw a ute and started flailing my arms around at it. Thankfully it pulled over.

I’m pretty sure I did a lot of screaming and I don’t even know if whatever I said made sense, it’s all a blur as I was hyperventilating, trying to remember if I had life insurance, also trying to work out if I had wet my pants from fear, AND decide if I had time to also get my kids out or if I should throw them away with the car and wet pants.
Anyway, they saved the day.
I got back in my car, expecting my kids to be as traumatised as I was, only to find they didn’t even notice that I had pulled over to begin with.
Portable DVD player for the win.
I also didn’t wet myself.
The end.
Amy-louise tells us that the two heroes managed to squash "a leg or two" and injure the spider, however it was still able to run and drop into the engine.
"They assured me that he would drop out," says Amy-louise.
"Part of the spider was squished on [a] shoe. I’ve made three people check since then."