People in 2800 postcode have $750,000 in kitty of owed money - are you one of them?
By Peter Holmes

The latest data from Revenue NSW shows that $751,390 is waiting to be claimed by people living in the 2800 postcode, including Orange, Lucknow, Spring Hill and Nashdale.
Revenue NSW said that people sometimes don't receive monies owed to them for reasons such as changing name and/or address, losing paperwork or forgetting.
The $751,390 is split between 2,242 "items", at an average of $335.14 each.
"In NSW, businesses and public sector superannuation funds send information to us about money owed to people they can’t find," Revenue NSW stated.
"It’s our job to make this information available, so the money can be found and given to the right person."
Examples of monies owned include refunds and overpayments from a purchase; share dividends; cheques that have not been cashed or deposited; commissions; expenses; principal and interest; and public sector superannuation.
The figures were valid at January 1, 2022.
To see if you're owed money go to