Old Orange saleyards flagged as possible low income housing destination
July 19, 2022

By David Fitzsimons
The old Orange saleyards site would be turned into a social and affordable housing development under a proposal being put to the city’s councillors.
Councillor David Mallard told Tuesday night’s council meeting he would like to see an assessment for residential development of the site, which is on the southern end of Edward Street adjoining the Southern Feeder Road.
The council has announced plans to turn the 7.43 hectare site into an industrial park and has been seeking expressions of interest from potential developers.
However, Mallard said councillors had been contacted about a different use, which would help ease the city’s shortage of lower-cost housing.
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“All of the councillors have been contacted recently by someone relating to the EOIs for the Old Saleyards site,” he said.

“Questioning or suggesting that maybe that land could be considered for residential development for social and affordable housing.
“I am wondering, can we make sure there is an assessment for the viability of that land as part of [a current study into the suitability of council-owned land for social and affordable housing].
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“It would be good to know what the prospects would be for that as a residential site.”
The saleyards closed in 2008.
In other council news council agreed to defer a decision on the future of bulky waste collections after councillors said they were concerned about the potential costs to ratepayers from the existing schemes.
Staff have been asked to report back with further options.
In February only 45 per cent of ratepayers left rubbish on their nature strips for a one-off collection, even though every household was charged $11.60 extra in their rates for the service.
Several councillors said an existing alternate user-pays scheme where people can pay $220 per pick up was too expensive for many ratepayers.
The council meeting lasted less than one hour.
