More roads in Orange could be palmed off to state to take care of

By David Fitzsimons
Orange ratepayers would be spared the full cost of repairing potholes and maintenance on several roads under a state government project.
With Orange’s most controversial stretch of tarmac, the Northern Distributor Road, already approved to be taken over by the government, the maintenance of other roads could also change hands.
On Tuesday night Orange City Council will consider a report into changing the classification of some key routes.
Potential changes include the Southern Feeder Road, Woodward Road, Clergate Road, Huntley Road and Aerodrome Road.
Council is responsible for their maintenance, but it is proposing they be reclassified as regional roads and be eligible for government funding assistance.
However, the council would also gain responsibility, with funding assistance, for other roads currently looked after by the state government including Bathurst Road, Summer Street and parts of Woodward and Molong roads.

It would also gain sole responsibility for Forbes Road from the NDR to Molong Road and Burrendong Way, also from the NDR to Molong Road.
This is part of the government’s Road Classification Review and Transfer Process to shift up to 15,000 kilometres of regional roads to state management to lighten the load (financial and resourcing) on rural and regional councils.
So far the shift of the NDR from council to state responsibility has been accepted and work is underway to complete the move.
In a letter to council in November, Transport for NSW says the NDR transfer was part of a "priority round" of applications, but that councils could also apply for the "full round" of transfers.
“At this point it is anticipated the panel will undertake its review and provide its final report by mid-to-late 2022,” it says.