In 12 months 146 motor vehicles were stolen in Orange
June 27, 2023

By Peter Holmes
Orange is more crime ridden - per head of population - than Bathurst, Lithgow and Cabonne, according to data from the Bureau of Crime Statistics And Research (BOCSAR) for the 12 months to March 2023.
The bureau released statistics across 13 main categories, and in eight of the 13 Orange experienced higher rates of crime - on a per capita basis - than Lithgow.
The figures are recorded when a crime is reported to, or detected by, NSW Police.
In two categories (Other Stealing Offences and Sexual Touching) Lithgow had higher rates of crime than Orange, and in three (Non-Domestic Violence Related Assault, Break and Enter Non-Dwelling and Murder) the rates were the same. [The murder rate in all four LGAs was zero.]
Bathurst had more crime than Orange per head in just one of the 13 categories (Sexual Touching), and in two categories (Other Stealing Offences, Murder) the rate was the same.
Cabonne, meanwhile, had rates of crime per capita that were lower than Orange, Bathurst and Lithgow in 11 of the 13 categories, with one category above the others (Break and Enter Non-Dwelling) and one equal (murder).
In the 12 months to March 2023 the following "major offence" crimes were reported in Orange:
Murder - 0
Domestic Violence Related Assault - 391
Non-Domestic Violence Related Assault - 303
Sexual Assault - 75
Sexual Touching, Sexual Act - 65
Robbery - 21
Break and Enter Dwelling - 284
Break and Enter Non-Dwelling - 61
Motor Vehicle Theft - 146
Steal From Motor Vehicle - 331
Steal From Retail - 191
Other Stealing Offences - 223
Malicious Damage to Property - 587
The total number of major offence crimes in Orange across the 12 months was 2,678, at an average of 57.5 per week.
The data not only lists the number of crimes in each “major offence” category, but compares each Local Government Area (LGA) to the NSW average.
Orange’s rate of Domestic Violence Related Assault per person was 2.1 times the NSW average. In Lithgow it was 1.7 times, Bathurst 1.8 times and Cabonne 0.6 times.
In Orange you were 2.8 times more likely to have your residence broken into than the NSW average. In Lithgow it was 1.5 times, Bathurst 1.6 times and in Cabonne 0.8 times. In the 12 months to March 2023 there were 284 Break Into Dwelling crimes in Orange.

Malicious Damage To Property was again higher in Orange, at 2.2 times the state average. Lithgow was 1.8 times, Bathurst 1.5 times and Cabonne 0.6 times. There were 587 offences in this category in Orange over the 12 months.
In the Sexual Assault category Orange’s reported crimes were 1.8 times the state average on a per capita basis. Lithgow was 1.7 times, Bathurst 1.3 times and Cabonne 0.8 times. In Orange there were 75 sexual assaults reported over the 12 months.
In the Break and Enter Non-Dwelling category Orange and Lithgow were 1.5 times the state average. Bathurst was 1.3 times and Cabonne 2.1 times. There were 61 instances in Orange over the 12 months.
There were 191 reports of Steal From Retail in Orange. On a per capita basis it was 1.5 times the NSW average. Lithgow was 0.8 times, Bathurst 1.1 times and Cabonne 0.3 times.
Dubbo meanwhile, ranked worse than Orange, Lithgow, Cabonne and Bathurst in most categories.
For example, the rate of Break and Enter Dwelling was four times the state average, and the rate of Break and Enter Non-Dwelling was 5.4 times.
The rate of Domestic Violence Related Assault in Dubbo was 2.8 the state average.
However it ranked lower per capita in the Sexual Assault category (1.3 times the state average) than Lithgow and Orange.